Marilyns in the Northumberland region

Map of Marilyns in the Northumberland region. Click on pins to view mountain details.

The mountain guide has mountains listed.....

Image Name Height (metres) Height (feet) Classifications Grid ref
The Cheviot The Cheviot 815 2674 Ma,Sim,Hew,N,CoH,CoU,CoA NT909205
Peel Fell Peel Fell 603 1977 Ma,Sim,5 NY625997
Sighty Crag Sighty Crag 520 1706 Ma,5 NY601809
Shillhope Law Shillhope Law 501 1644 Ma,5 NT873096
Tosson Hill Tosson Hill 441 1447 Ma,4 NZ004982
Long Crag Long Crag 319 1047 Ma,3 NU062069
Ros Castle Ros Castle 315 1033 Ma,3 NU081253
Housedon Hill Housedon Hill 268 879 Ma,2 NT902327