Bringewood photos

Bringewood trig point

© Richard Webb and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence

  • Bringewood trig point
  • Give Way sign
  • Downhill course, Bringewood
  • Small disused quarry, Mortimer Forest

Hover over the map markers to see associated photo. Note, some markers show photographer's position whilst others show photo subject location.

['Bringewood trig point',52.3566,-2.7811,'/public/geophotos/1840578.jpg'],['Give Way sign',52.3565,-2.78227,'/public/geophotos/1840563.jpg'],['Downhill course, Bringewood',52.3565,-2.78227,'/public/geophotos/2054749.jpg'],['Small disused quarry, Mortimer Forest',52.3558,-2.77932,'/public/geophotos/2318860.jpg']