Eggardon Hill photos

Trig point at the end of Eggardon Hill

© Sarah Charlesworth and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence

  • Trig point at the end of Eggardon Hill
  • Triangulation Pillar on Eggardon Hill
  • Blue triangulation pillar - Eggardon Hill
  • Eggardon hillfort
  • View from Eggardon Hill to the sea
  • Eggardon hill fort

Hover over the map markers to see associated photo. Note, some markers show photographer's position whilst others show photo subject location.

['Trig point at the end of Eggardon Hill',50.7475,-2.64458,'/public/geophotos/1869522.jpg'],['Triangulation Pillar on Eggardon Hill',50.7477,-2.64444,'/public/geophotos/3029593.jpg'],['Blue triangulation pillar - Eggardon Hill',50.7475,-2.64473,'/public/geophotos/1284545.jpg'],['Eggardon hillfort',50.7483,-2.6463,'/public/geophotos/40129.jpg'],['View from Eggardon Hill to the sea',50.7483,-2.6463,'/public/geophotos/69078.jpg'],['Eggardon hill fort',50.7483,-2.6463,'/public/geophotos/581968.jpg']