Lauriston Road (Wimbledon) photos

Wimbledon - Site of the House Where William Wilberforce Lived

© Peter Trimming and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence

  • Wimbledon - Site of the House Where William Wilberforce Lived
  • Wimbledon - Southside Common
  • Wimbledon - King's College School
  • West Side Common
  • Penfold postbox, Woodhayes Road / Crooked Billet, SW19
  • Penfold postbox, Woodhayes Road / Crooked Billet, SW19 - royal cipher and crest

Hover over the map markers to see associated photo. Note, some markers show photographer's position whilst others show photo subject location.

['Wimbledon - Site of the House Where William Wilberforce Lived',51.4227,-0.22402,'/public/geophotos/1339561.jpg'],['Wimbledon - Southside Common',51.4227,-0.224161,'/public/geophotos/1339548.jpg'],['Wimbledon - King\'s College School',51.4218,-0.225205,'/public/geophotos/1339541.jpg'],['West Side Common',51.422,-0.225342,'/public/geophotos/879473.jpg'],['Penfold postbox, Woodhayes Road / Crooked Billet, SW19',51.4215,-0.225791,'/public/geophotos/897636.jpg'],['Penfold postbox, Woodhayes Road / Crooked Billet, SW19 - royal cipher and crest',51.4214,-0.225794,'/public/geophotos/897641.jpg']