Woodbury Common photos

Inner fortification, Woodbury Castle

© Roger Cornfoot and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence

  • Inner fortification, Woodbury Castle
  • Woodbury Castle
  • Footpath, below Woodbury Castle
  • Woodbury Castle
  • Woodbury Castle and common land
  • Mature Beech trees, inside Woodbury Castle
  • The Orange Way in Devon (310)

Hover over the map markers to see associated photo. Note, some markers show photographer's position whilst others show photo subject location.

['Inner fortification, Woodbury Castle',50.6789,-3.371,'/public/geophotos/1392872.jpg'],['Woodbury Castle',50.679,-3.37101,'/public/geophotos/2461516.jpg'],['Footpath, below Woodbury Castle',50.6785,-3.37184,'/public/geophotos/1364724.jpg'],['Woodbury Castle',50.6782,-3.36999,'/public/geophotos/163129.jpg'],['Woodbury Castle and common land',50.6786,-3.3693,'/public/geophotos/2343406.jpg'],['Mature Beech trees, inside Woodbury Castle',50.6777,-3.36984,'/public/geophotos/1364715.jpg'],['The Orange Way in Devon (310)',50.6777,-3.37323,'/public/geophotos/2910695.jpg']