Knockour Hill - Mount Misery photos

Mount Misery

© Lairich Rig and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence

  • Mount Misery
  • A lichen - Pseudevernia furfuracea
  • Holly with yellow berries
  • Loop walk (return leg) - through the woods
  • Loop walk (return leg) - leaving the woods

Hover over the map markers to see associated photo. Note, some markers show photographer's position whilst others show photo subject location.

['Mount Misery',56.0332,-4.57347,'/public/geophotos/917867.jpg'],['A lichen - Pseudevernia furfuracea',56.0327,-4.57344,'/public/geophotos/1073683.jpg'],['Holly with yellow berries',56.0323,-4.57357,'/public/geophotos/1073755.jpg'],['Loop walk (return leg) - through the woods',56.033,-4.57185,'/public/geophotos/1045936.jpg'],['Loop walk (return leg) - leaving the woods',56.0325,-4.57101,'/public/geophotos/1045947.jpg']