Hameldown photos

Broad Barrow, Dartmoor

© Roger Cornfoot and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence

  • Broad Barrow, Dartmoor
  • Boundary stone on Broad Barrow
  • Anti-invasion defence, Broad Barrow, Hamel Down
  • Path to Broad Barrow
  • Hamel Down
  • Hameldown Cross

Hover over the map markers to see associated photo. Note, some markers show photographer's position whilst others show photo subject location.

['Broad Barrow, Dartmoor',50.6044,-3.83039,'/public/geophotos/1046931.jpg'],['Boundary stone on Broad Barrow ',50.6043,-3.83039,'/public/geophotos/2540635.jpg'],['Anti-invasion defence, Broad Barrow, Hamel Down',50.6046,-3.83026,'/public/geophotos/934363.jpg'],['Path to Broad Barrow ',50.6039,-3.83037,'/public/geophotos/2540628.jpg'],['Hamel Down',50.605,-3.82999,'/public/geophotos/1242840.jpg'],['Hameldown Cross',50.6059,-3.83271,'/public/geophotos/2244388.jpg']