Little Fell

Little Fell - Cumbria
© Trevor Littlewood and licensed for reuse under this Licence

Little Fell is the 1839th highest peak in the British Isles and the 118th tallest in England


748.0 m (2454 ft)


73.0 m (239 ft)

Survey method

Abney level


Large flat area of grass and heather; no cairn


Hill / mountain range

North Pennines W

Nearest town

Kirkby Stephen, Cumbria

OS map sheets

OS25: 019N (Howgill Fells and Upper Eden Valley)
OS50: 091 (Appleby-in-Westmorland)

Notes & comments

Second location of equal height at NY 78121 22289 30m to E

B&L give NY781224 but summit area is featureless