Mountains near Windermere, England

Map featuring Windermere mountains. Click on pins to view mountain details

The mountain guide has 99 mountains listed in and around the town of Windermere.

  1. Orrest Head
  2. Heathwaite Hill
  3. School Knott
  4. Banner Rigg
  5. Latrigg
  6. Brant Fell
  7. Capple Barrow
  8. nameless (School Knott)
  9. Grandsire
  10. Cleabarrow Hill
  11. Undermillbeck Common
  12. Barker Knott
  13. Cat Crag
  14. Borwick Hill
  15. Rulbuts Hill
  16. Sour Howes
  17. Claife Heights
  18. Capple Howe
  19. Scott Howe
  20. Crook Knott
  21. Reston Scar
  22. Dod Hill
  23. Scale Ivy Intakes
  24. Hugill Fell
  25. High Knott
  26. Hart Howe
  27. Troutbeck Tongue
  28. Hugill Fell (Wainwright summit)
  29. Sallows
  30. Latterbarrow
  31. Baystones
  32. Wansfell
  33. Kerris Hill
  34. Lord's Lot
  35. Wansfell Pike
  36. Rowan Tree Hill
  37. Elfhowe Hill
  38. Moor How
  39. Millrigg Knott
  40. Raven's Barrow
  41. Castle Wood Hill
  42. Hart Crag
  43. Stony Cove Pike
  44. Castle Crag
  45. Pike How
  46. Yoke
  47. St Raven's Edge
  48. Piked Howes
  49. Rowantree Knotts
  50. Tarn Hill
  51. Rainsborrow Crag
  52. Caudale Moor - John Bell's Banner
  53. Ill Bell
  54. Birch Fell
  55. Raven Crag
  56. Froswick
  57. Cowan Head
  58. Capple Rigg
  59. Scale Knotts
  60. Snarker Pike
  61. Bell Hill
  62. Brunt Knott
  63. Red Screes
  64. Eel House Intake
  65. Thornthwaite Crag
  66. nameless (Potter Fell - 1)
  67. Raven Crag
  68. Gummer's How
  69. Hartsop Dodd
  70. North of Thornthwaite Crag
  71. Hollow Moor
  72. Middle Dodd
  73. Gray Crag
  74. Black Brows
  75. Hawkshead Moor
  76. Sleddale Forest
  77. Holme
  78. Hill Fell
  79. Brock Crags
  80. nameless (Green Quarter)
  81. Lingmell End
  82. Tarn Intake
  83. nameless (Potter Fell - 2)
  84. Todd Crag
  85. Ausin Fell
  86. Whitbarrow - Lord's Seat
  87. Staveley Fell
  88. Buck Crag
  89. Black Fell
  90. Satura Crag
  91. Cocklaw Fell
  92. Fox How
  93. High Hartsop Dodd
  94. Yewbarrow
  95. Heck Crag
  96. High Street
  97. Beck Side Intake
  98. Newton Fell
  99. Little Hart Crag